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Our Project

This project explores Latinx student perceptions of “servingness” at Sacramento State, a Hispanic Serving Institution, and aims to interrogate how university policies, programs and practices support Latinx student success.

The project is driven by the following research questions: 

  • How do Latinx/ewe, as students. perceive Sacramento State, our Hispanic Serving Institution, as serving us? 

  • How we, as Latinx/e students, define student success?

  • How can institutional elements and the campus environment better serve Latinx/e students? 


The project is supported by the College Futures Foundation and Sacramento State's Office of Institutional Research, Effectiveness, and Planning. 

Project Leads

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Amber Gonzalez

Co-Principal Investigator


Maria Razo-Soto

Graduate Research Assistant

The project is led by Dr. Amber Gonzalez at California State University, Sacramento (Sac State) and Dr. Kevin Ferreira van Leer at the University of Connecticut (UConn). The project leadership includes a graduate research assistant, Maria Razo-Soto. 


The project includes undergraduate co-researchers from Sac State. These co-researchers initially composed of two cohorts: "Mariposas con Voces" and "Songs of the Hummingbird," each of which completed a photovoice research process. 


Read more about the research team below


Kevin Ferreira van Leer

Co-Principal Investigator

Student Co-Researchers

As undergraduate student co-researchers we started off as part of one of two cohorts - Mariposas con Voces ("Butterflies with Voices") or Songs of the Hummingbird. Below are those of us who are currently active in the research project. Members of the Mariposas con Voces cohort have a butterfly on their image while Songs of the Hummingbird cohort members have a hummingbird. 


Get to know more about the Mariposas con Voces and the Songs of the Hummingbird cohorts by clicking here

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