Finding Comunidad: Exploring "Servingness" at a Hispanic Serving Institution
This project explores Latinx/e student perceptions of “servingness” at Sacramento State, a Hispanic Serving Institution, and aims to interrogate how university policies, programs and practices support Latinx/e student success.
The project is driven by the following research questions:
How do Latinx/e we, as students. perceive Sacramento State, our Hispanic Serving Institution, as serving us?
How we, as Latinx/e students, define student success?
How can institutional elements and the campus environment better serve Latinx/e students?
This cohort of 9 Latinx undergraduate co-researchers identified 8 themes regarding how their HSI serves them and their success. Utilizing a photovoice methodology, students met 3 hours weekly over 15 weeks to conduct a photovoice research project.
See their findings by clicking here.
This 2nd cohort of 6 Latinx undergraduate co-researchers identified 10 themes regarding how their HSI serves them and their success. Utilizing a photovoice methodology, students met 3 hours weekly over 15 weeks to conduct a photovoice research project.
See their findings by clicking here.
Drawing from the themes from each cohort, our research team collectively developed a survey which aims to see how our themes generalize to Latinx undergraduate students at Sac State. Moreover, this survey will provide a deeper look into the role that HSIs can play in serving Latinx students.
See our findings here.